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Izvještaji o sajber bezbjednosti 


Veliki igrači u domenu sajber bezbjednosti poput servis provajdera bezbjednosnih rješenja, integratora, konsultanata i istraživača imaju jako dobru praksu razvijanja detaljnih godišnjih izvještaja o novim ranjivostima, tipovima napada, tergetiranim industrijama, najboljim praksama i mnoštvo drugih izuzetno korisnih informacija. Od ovih izvještaja benefit imaju praktično svi koji se bave informacionim tehnologijama, kako u inženjerskim poslovima tako i u menadžmentu. Na osnovu ovih izvještaja većina zrelih kompanija pravi informisane odluke o upravljanju strategijom za informacionu bezbjednost kako bi ostali korak ispred napadača. Ova stranica služi kao centralna baza gdje možete pribaviti ove izvještaje potpuno besplatno i informisati se dalje kod autora izvještaja o njihovim uslugama i proizvodima. Sva autorska prava ovih izvještaja su zadržana od strane njihovih autora.

S obzirom da su originalni izvještaji na engleskom, koristićemo se istim jezikom za distribuciju ovog materijala.


Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report

Understanding the threats can help you manage risk effectively. The threats are real, the attackers motivated. But something stands between them and your organization's data: you and your security teams, with the insight, perspective, and tools to take action. You'll find that all right here:

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Cisco - Hunting for Hidden Threats

This is Ciscos report as part of their Cisco Cybersecurity Series 2019 where you can access multitude of reports based on the topic. This one is the most comprehensive and the reason why it made the list.

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Trustwave Global Security Report 2019

Here are a few key findings from the report, exclusively for you to preview:

•  The retail sector continues to be the top industry for data breaches, followed by finance and hospitality.

•  Asia-Pacific experienced the highest number of data compromises, accounting for 35% of instances overtaking North America at 30%.

•  A steep year-over-year increase of 1,250% was observed in cryptojacking malware, which was almost non-existent in 2017.

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The Kaspersky Lab Global IT Risk Report

Be Ready for What's Next. Ready... Or not? Balancing future opportunities with future risks. A global survey into attitudes and opinions on IT security.


ISC2 Cloud Security Report

The 2019 Cloud Security Report highlights what is and what is not working for security operations teams in securing their cloud data, systems, and services in this shared responsibility model. The results are a continuation of past challenges that you can read more about here:

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ISACA State of CyberSecurity 2020

State of Cybersecurity 2020 looks at questions such as:

  • How long does it take to fill a cybersecurity role with a qualified candidate?

  • What percentage of cybersecurity candidates are qualified for the role?

  • Is retention improving or worsening?

  • Which cybersecurity skills are in the highest demand?

  • Are HR teams informed partners in the search for qualified cybersecurity candidates?

  • Are cybersecurity teams becoming more gender-balanced, and are diversity programs doing enough to help?

  • What can companies do to staff up more quickly and find better-qualified candidates?

Find answers to all of these in more by viewing the complimentary report

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